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Of Time and Rivers (Published November, 2021)

Time and rivers are similar in that they both flow inexorably from one point to another in both linear and circuitous ways. No place along the route is the same as any other, and it is impossible to turn around and go back upriver or back in time. Sometimes we can control our path, and sometimes the path controls us. In Of Time and Rivers, four-time author Glen Hines provides a window into one writer's mind spent away from the fast-paced life. In a series of short stories written over the course of a one-year period, the author takes us on a journey through military service, separation, isolation, personal relationships, loss, the outdoors, the nature of small-town life, the changing nature of faith, and the regeneration that can be found in simply changing geography, jobs, and perspective.

Of Time and Rivers (Published November, 2021)

Crossroads (Published February, 2019)

The author of the popular books Document and Cloudbreak returns with a diverse new collection of fiction, perspectives, memoir and verse. The wide array of subject matter cuts a wide path through public service, the criminal justice system, military service, sports, travel, outdoor pursuits, national security, self-awareness, and - appropriately enough - the craft of writing. The third and final installment of a trilogy, Crossroads is another bold effort by an up-and-coming contemporary writer that covers a wide variety of current issues and is an engrossing read that will draw you in until you finish the final page.

Crossroads (Published February, 2019)

Cloudbreak (Published April, 2017)

Author Glen Hines follows up his highly regarded first book, Document, with a new anthology of articles, stories, and fiction based on the momentous events in the first years of the new millennium. As in Document, the subject-matter is diverse and wide-ranging: Serving in America's military in the War on Terror at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the borders of Afghanistan and central Asia; the current state of American football and baseball; the politics of recent mass shootings to working inside our criminal justice system; travel and adventure from the Lost Man's Coast of southwest Florida to the heartland, Lake Tahoe, the American southwest, San Diego, and a few places in between; and navigating a way through the early years of a new century that is shaping up to be as tumultuous as the twentieth, Cloudbreak covers a wide array of topics and is a book you will not want to set down.

Cloudbreak (Published April, 2017)

Document (Published February, 2016)

In Document, author Glen Hines writes on subjects as diverse as sports, travel, the outdoors, current events, national security issues, gun-control, military service, personal memoir, popular music, and fiction. Drawing from a deep well of life experiences as a former NCAA Division 1 athlete in football and baseball, his military service as a United States Marine Corps officer and lawyer, his service in the Global War on Terrorism in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, and his service as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice, he offers his perspectives on a wide array of recent American events and current issues. College sports, the concussion crisis, the Blue Ridge mountains, our national parks, recent mass shootings, drone strikes, terrorism and our national security response, and military service in America's recent wars, are just some of the topics covered. If you are interested in sports, the outdoors, travel, gun-control, military service, national security, the war on terrorism, popular music, and fiction, Document offers something for you.

Document (Published February, 2016)

Cathedrals in the Twilight (Published December, 2020)

The author of the Anthology Trilogy and the acclaimed short work Bring in the Gladiators returns with his fourth book, but this time it's something completely different. The noted "Father of the National Parks" John Muir once observed, "I'd rather be in the mountains thinking of God than in church thinking about the mountains." Muir knew that the outdoors in all its splendor provided a grand church of its own, where creation left no doubt as to a Creator, and where peace and tranquility could be found, all for free. In poetry and verse, Hines explores the notion that the outdoors - our mountains, rivers, forests, oceans, deserts, lakes, and beaches, and everything in between - and even the process of writing about them - can all be places and times of respite, escape, and renewal, even prayer. Indeed, at one time or another, they have all been - in their own unique and individual ways - holy places: Cathedrals in the Twilight.

Cathedrals in the Twilight (Published December, 2020)