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Cathedrals in the Twilight

The author of the Anthology Trilogy and the acclaimed short work Bring in the Gladiators returns with his fourth book, but this time it's something completely different. The noted "Father of the National Parks" John Muir once observed, "I'd rather be in the mountains thinking of God than in church thinking about the mountains." Muir knew that the outdoors in all its splendor provided a grand church of its own, where creation left no doubt as to a Creator, and where peace and tranquility could be found, all for free. In poetry and verse, Hines explores the notion that the outdoors - our mountains, rivers, forests, oceans, deserts, lakes, and beaches, and everything in between - and even the process of writing about them - can all be places and times of respite, escape, and renewal, even prayer. Indeed, at one time or another, they have all been - in their own unique and individual ways - holy places: Cathedrals in the Twilight.